
Backpack (no wheels)
School Box (small, plastic)
Regular Crayola Crayons
(packs of 16 with basic colors)
#2 Pencils (12)
Blunt Scissors (metal)
6 Glue Sticks
Jumbo Eraser
Kleenex Boxes (2 large)
1 Two-Pocket Folders (solid color with fasteners)
3 X 5 Ruled Index Cards (1 package)
Highlighters (1 color)
** Please write your child's name on his/her backpack and school box.
Otherwise, we share supplies in our classroom. Thanks!

Additional Classroom Supplies
These items are used frequently in the classroom and replacements are needed often. These additional supplies are NOT required, but are greatly appreciated at any time of the year.
- Plastic zipper bags (small and large)
- Snacks (goldfish, cheese crackers, fruit snacks, cereal, juice boxes)