General Info

Contact Information
You may contact me through email at I check my email frequently throughout the day, so this is the quickest way to get in contact with me. If you would like to call, the school number is 293-5335 and my extension is 260. If you call the classroom during times of instruction I will not answer the phone and you will be sent to voicemail. Please leave a message, and I will return your call as soon as possible.

School Closings
In case of inclement weather, listen to KDEX 102.3, watch KFVS 12, or go online to

Transportation Information
Car Riders:
Students are to be dropped off in the mornings at the main east entrance by the elementary office between 7:45-8:10. In the afternoon, students may be picked up on the north side of the school at 3:10.
Bus Riders:
If your child is to go somewhere other than the address you have given us, we MUST have a note from you or a phone call telling us of this change. Please limit the changes to emergencies. People who you have not put on the pick up list WILL NOT be allowed to pick up your child under any circumstance unless I am previously contacted by you.

Lunch and Breakfast
School Meals:
Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:10 each morning. You may pay lunch/breakfast money in advance (often times parents send in a check/cash for larger amounts such as $20 or $30). Our computer program will keep track of how much money you have paid and how much has been used by your child as each meal is charged. When you send money to school, please put the money in an envelope and label it as follows:
Brought Lunch:
If your child brings his/her lunch, please send food your child can open and prepare independently. Also, soda is not allowed in the cafeteria. Cartons of milk may be purchased for $0.25 and will need to be paid for in the cafeteria at that time. Students who would like extra milk with their tray may also pay $0.25.

If you would like to send a snack to school for all the students, that is appreciated. The students love getting a variety of snacks and are always excited when parents send new snacks to school! These are some snacks the kindergarten kids always seem to enjoy:
• cheese and crackers
• goldfish
• dry cereal
• fruit rollups
• granola/cereal bars
• fruit snacks

Birthday and Holiday Parties
You may send snacks for your child’s birthday and holidays, but they must be in a commercialized, sealed package. Please let me know when you will be sending birthday treats, and I will give you the current number of students in the classroom. Details about food for holiday parties will be given closer to times.

Proper Clothing
Proper clothing for kindergarten is to generally dress your child comfortably. Our playground is mostly gravel, so please no flip flops because of safety issues. When cold weather arrives, please send your child with a jacket/coat because we will ALWAYS take the children outside for a short recess if weather permits. It helps tremendously if the students already know how to zip up their coats, so please practice zipping and unzipping coats before the fall and winter months. Also, please label your child's jacket with his/her name.

Monthly Newsletters
I hope to keep you informed with a monthly newsletter that includes upcoming events, what is expected of your kindergarten student, and pictures from our school activities. Please watch each month for this important information coming to your home!