April 23, 2012

Relay for Life
Our school is collecting money towards our Relay for Life goal.  If you want to help, please send your donation to school with your child sometime this week.  The class that collects the most money gets rewarded!

To watch the video above, (created by Michele Carmode, Bernie Schools Relay for Life Director), go to the bottom of the blog and silence the blog's music.  Then, you can enjoy the music made specifically for the Relay video. 

April 20, 2012

Monthly Newsletter...
...has been posted under the "Newsletters" tab. The students will be bringing home a copy this afternoon in their blue folders.

April 18, 2012

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!
Check out the updated pictures from March!

April 16, 2012


Trip Details

The kindergarten classes will be taking a field trip to Lazy L Safari Park on Thursday, April 26th. We will be departing at 9:00 that morning and returning around 2:00 in the afternoon. Lazy L Safari Park is a walk-thru zoo that features exotic animals from around the world in a comfortable and natural setting. For more information on the farm, you may visit www.lazylsafari.com.

Dress Code

Please dress your child in comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Please watch the weather to see if a jacket will be necessary.


A picnic lunch will be provided by the cafeteria at the regular cost of a school lunch.


Each student needs to send $5.00 to school before April 23rd to cover admission to the park. If assistance is needed to cover the cost of the field trip, please send a note to school.


Because your child will be exposed to things typically found at a zoo, please list any allergies your child has. Also, please send any medications needed (i.e. asthma inhaler or EpiPen) to school on the 26th.