October 25, 2011

Math Skills to Practice
These are the math skills your child should have mastered before we leave for Christmas break. Please be practicing these at home.

Second Quarter Math Skills
* New this Quarter
1. AB, ABB, ABC Patterns
2. Positional Words
(above, below, front, behind)
3. One-to-One Number Correspondence
4. Recognizing Written Numerals
5. Counting
6. Shapes
(triangle, square, circle, oval, hexagon, rectangle, diamond, trapezoid, rhombus)
*7. Coins: Penny and Nickel (identify and know value)
*8. Sort Objects
(size and other attributes)
*9. Describe Passage of Time
(today, tomorrow, yesterday)

October 20, 2011

Student of the Quarter
The students of the quarter are children that show kindness to their fellow classmates and are respectful to teachers and other peers around them. Additionally, they always work hard in class to achieve their personal best. Congratulations to Chase Eads and Rylee Eaton for receiving this honor.
AB Pattern Bracelets
Last week we made blue and white AB pattern bracelets. These bracelets reinforce the AB pattern concept we have been practicing in math and also show our school pride. If possible, have your child wear his/her AB pattern bracelet every Friday on spirit day. Look for pictures of the kids wearing their bracelets on my class website.

October 17, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences are Friday, October 21st. We will dismiss the students at 12:30 and conferences for my class will begin at 1:30. Please make a point to be here at your scheduled time so we can review your child's report card and the progress s/he is making. Hope to see you then!

Painting Pumpkins!
We will be painting pumpkins on Thursday. This paint is washable, but it would still be good to dress your child in old clothes. Also, Bernie Kindergarten has purchased small pumpkins for each child to paint, but if you would like for your child to paint a larger pumpkin, you may send it to school with your child before this Thursday. Thanks!

October 10, 2011

September Character Trait Winner for RESPECT
The student in our class that exhibits respect when working with his classmates and for his teachers is Ethan Hicks. Great job Ethan! I am very proud of you!

October 3, 2011

Grandparents' Day
We will again be celebrating Grandparents’ Day this year at Bernie Elementary. Grandparents are encouraged to come to school to have cookies and punch while they enjoy playing with their grandchildren at recess. Grandparents may also take their grandchildren home at the end of this event if we have the signed permission slip from a parent. Grandparents’ Day will be on Friday, October 7th from 2:15-2:45. Grandparents will meet their grandchild on the playground. If the weather forecast calls for bad weather on October 7th we will move the Grandparents’ Day to the following Friday-October 14th.

October 2, 2011

Pictures from September
Click on the "Pictures" link to see tons of pics from our September activities. Many of these pictures didn't make it in the newsletter due to lack of space. Enjoy!