Kindergarten Graduation Information
- Graduation is tonight at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Please enter through the North doors along Highway U.
- The night will consist of a short musical program, followed by a graduation ceremony. Please dress your child in casual formal wear (Sunday attire) and have him/her in the cafeteria no earlier than 5:45. After the ceremony, we will provide an opportunity to get a group picture of all the kindergartners. The students will be arranged in front of the stage and as soon as the ceremony has concluded, you may come up and take their picture.
- You should have received a “Parent Involvement Activity Evaluation Form” in your child's blue folder. Please fill this out after the ceremony tonight and return it to school the next day--Wednesday, May 18th. It is very important we receive your input on the “Parent Involvement” form. Thank you for your help, and I hope to see you all tonight!!!
- Attendance is required for all kindergarten students between Wednesday, May 18th and Friday May 20th, even though it is after “graduation.”