March 29, 2011

2011-2012 School Calendar: Next year's school calendar is posted on the Bernie School Homepage. Click on the link below to view the calendar.

March 28, 2011

Last Day of School Change: Our last day of school will now be Friday, May 20th. We will dismiss at 12:30. Also remember, spring break is April 22nd-April 25th. Please plan accordingly.

March 21, 2011

Conferences: Remember Parent/Teacher Conferences are this Thursday. Please arrive at school at your scheduled time. If the door to my room is closed, please wait outside until I finish conferencing with the parents before you. I hope to see everyone Thursday afternoon. Thanks!

March 14, 2011

Newsletter and School Website: Hopefully you found my class newsletter in your child's blue folder this afternoon. Also, I have updated our class website with pictures from February (many that did not make it in the newsletter can be found online), fourth quarter skills to practice, and the newsletter is attached for future reference. Please take the time to check the fourth quarter "Skills to Practice." Try to work with your child to see if s/he has mastered the old skills, and make a point to practice some of the new ones. It would also be helpful to practice the sight words listed near the bottom of the page. The more sight words your child can read, the easier it is for him/her to read fluently and comprehend what is being read. Thanks!

March 13, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be rescheduled since we are out of school this Thursday for our boys to play in the state basketball tournament! GO MULES!!!! The conferences are now scheduled for Thursday, March 24th, after school. The assigned times for my conferences will be the same. You should have received an automated call from the school with a detailed update regarding the conferences and the upcoming events related to the ballgame. Also, the book fair will take place on Thursday, March 24th, after school.
Picture after the boys were awarded district champions!!!

March 10, 2011

Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza: On Monday, March 1st, your child brought home a small coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. The students received these coupons because of the hard work and effort each of the children have been putting into learning this past month. Hopefully, you still have your coupon and intend on using it during the month of March. Or even better, you have already visited Pizza Hut and your child received his/her free pizza! Remember, the coupons are only good for one month after they are given out, and next month will be the last month we get to participate for the 2010-2011 school year. Hopefully your child's first grade teacher will participate in the program and you can enjoy more free pizzas!

March 2, 2011

Monthly Newsletter: I generally send home the monthly newsletter at the very beginning of each month. However, you will not receive your next class newsletter until at least the second week of March. I will be having Lasik eye surgery on Friday, so I will not able to spend a great amount of time on the computer straining my eyes right before and right after my surgery. As a result, the newsletter with March's information and pictures from February will be slightly delayed. Your child's substitute will be Mrs. Myra Weeks, and she is always an excellent sub! Your kids will love her, and I will be back to school on Monday. Thanks!

March 1, 2011

One final reminder... Class Pictures are tomorrow. Please dress your child accordingly. If you would like to purchase a class photo, you may send $5.00 to school. You won't regret purchasing it! It is nice to be able to look back in a few years to your child's kindergarten. I still enjoying looking at past class pictures and seeing how much the kids have grown in just a few years.