November 29, 2010


If you did not get a chance to decorate the stocking over break, it is not too late! Just send it to school as soon as you get it finished. We already have some neat ones hanging in the hallway, and the kids really enjoy looking at each others creations. The kids have been very creative on their designs! Great job so far! I am looking forward to seeing many more good stockings.

November 23, 2010

Thanskgiving Break-- Stocking Activity

Don't forget about Thanksgiving Break. It is November 24th-26th (Wed-Fri). I have sent home a large red stocking and would like for you to decorate the stocking with your child over break. Be creative and use items from around your house (candy, beads, crayons, glitter, markers, stickers, noodles, ribbon, cotton, etc) to make the stocking unique. Please send these back to school on Monday the 29th so I can display them in the hallway. I hope to see some creative stockings.

November 17, 2010

American Education Week

American Education Week
"Bernie Schools: Where Everyone's A Super Star!"

November 14-20 is American Education Week, and we will be recognizing this week with different daily activities.

Nov. 16-- Dress up as your Super Star Hero Day!
Send your child dressed as his/her favorite super star or hero (Spiderman, Hannah Montana, etc).

Nov. 17-- "Let Your Super Star Shine" and do something nice or kind.
We will be collecting winter wear (gloves, hats, etc). The class that collects the most items wins a popcorn party.

Nov. 18-- "Everyday Hero Super Star"
Decorate or put the name of your personal hero on a star to hang in the hallway. (These will be made at school.)

Nov. 19--"Super Star Spirit Day"
Students and teachers will wear Bernie Spirit shirts.

November 15, 2010

New Nightly Homework Assignment

Next week your child will begin bringing home a short decodable reader (a small book with color pictures and about eight pages). These decodable readers are in addition to the black and white phonics reader sent home once a week. Your child is supposed to read the decodable reader for homework nightly until it can be read fluently with no errors. I will be splitting the students into two groups, and your child will either read with me every Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs. As each book is mastered, s/he will receive a more advanced book to read. I will log when I read with your child on the back of his/her behavior log. Please note when you read with your child on the back of the behavior log also. Please place the decodable reader in your child’s blue folder every night. This way it will be there for us to practice in class. Thank you for helping your child learn to read!

November 11, 2010

Scarecrow Ice Cream Cones

Thank you to those parents that were willing to donate supplies for our scarecrow ice cream cones. I received an abundant supply, and I even have extra. With the extra we will do doing another fun activity! Don't worry, nothing will get wasted! We can always use what you send!

However, we are running low on snacks. We still have juices, but we need a fresh supply of other snacks. Recently, parents have donated cereal bars, granola bars, fruit snacks, teddy grahams, cheese crackers, chips, cookies, and so much more. Basically, the class will eat anything you send! :)

November 9, 2010

Veteran's Day

Remember: No school on Thursday in honor of Veteran's Day. However, we will be having school on Friday. Please remember to send your child to school in his/her Bernie Blue on Friday.

Also, the kindergarten shirts are being printed and will be picked up later this week. I will send them home with your child as soon as I get them.

November 3, 2010

Fall Festivities Update

It has been a while since I last posted. Here is a recap of what has been going on in our classroom:

Painted Pumpkins
Right before conferences, the kids had the opportunity to paint their own pumpkins. These were actually small gourds shaped liked pumpkins, but the kids had fun getting messy and creating their "masterpiece" as one student called it!

Fall Festival
On Monday, October 25th, our students participated in a Kindergarten Fall Festival. We had many fun activities that included face painting, sack races, Halloween story time, marshmallow ghosts, paper ghosts, pin the nose on the witch, and witch hands. We had tons of parent volunteers to help make the event a success. It was a memorable day for all of the kindergarteners.

Book It:
Pizza Hut has a reading incentive program called “Book It.” The idea for this program is that the teacher sets a monthly goal for each student in reading, and if the student reaches the monthly goal, s/he receives a coupon for a free personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut. Every student received a Book-It coupon on Monday for their effort in October. Enjoy your free pizzas!

Kindergarten T-Shirts:
The picture below is the final design for the t-shirts. The large design with the paint splash will be on the back of each shirt, and the small design on the bottom (white hand print with "Bernie Kindergarten Class of 2023") will be on the front "pocket" area. We should be getting those shirts sometime next week. If you ordered one, be looking for it in your child's backpack very soon! Don't forget to have your child wear his/her shirt on Bernie Blue days!

School Website:
Hopefully, pictures from October will be posted on my school website by the end of this week. The update will also include the October newsletter and second quarter skills to practice.