August 17, 2010

Back to School Time!!!

Welcome back! We started school last Wednesday, and boy have we been busy. The boys and girls have been learning our class schedule, how to get around the school building, and school procedures. This Monday, we started doing more curriculum and less procedure practice. The kids seem eager to learn and are working hard. This week, we will be reviewing our letters, writing our names, and getting familiar with our math manipulatives. Hopefully we will start some science next week. Things to practice with your child: identifying the letters of the alphabet, writing his/her first and last names, counting to 20, and identifying the numbers 0-10.
Also, I hope to continue to update my class website monthly. At the end of each month or the beginning of the next month, I will post new pictures and our class newsletter. Please keep an eye on the website and the blog for information regarding our kindergarten classroom. It looks like it is going to be a great year!